Monday, February 24, 2020

Goods market data Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Goods market data - Essay Example The economy suffered from a sharp increase in energy prices in the second half of 2004. Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade and budget deficits, and stagnation of family income in the lower economic groups. (See appendix 1) Industrial production increased 0.9 percent in October after a drop of 1.5 percent in September. Hurricane-related recoveries in many industries and the resolution of a strike at a major aircraft producer contributed significantly to the increase in output. At 107.9 percent of its 2002 average, output in October was 1.9 percent above its year-earlier level. Manufacturing production increased 1.4 percent, a rise that more than reversed its September decline of 0.7 percent. Output also moved down in the industries for machinery and for furniture and related products. Production increased slightly in the industries for textiles and products, for paper, and for printing and support, while output was unchanged in the food, beverage, and tobacco products industry. (See appendix 2) Real personal consumption expenditure increased by 3.4% in Q2 2005, compared with an increase of 3.5% in Q1. Durable goods purchases increased by 7.9% (2.6% in Q1), while nondurable goods purchases increased by 3.6% (5.3% in Q1). Notably, domestic investment dropped by 3.7%. (See appendix 3) Real Private Fixed Investment (1 decimal) (See appendix 4) 2: Labor market data that includes: Unemployment Rate The unemployment rate has ranged from 4.9 to 5.1 percent since May. The unemployment rates for adult women (4.6 percent), teenagers (15.9 percent), whites (4.4 percent), and blacks (9.1 percent) showed little or no change over the month. The jobless rates for adult men (4.3 percent) and Hispanics or Latinos (5.8 percent) both declined from September. Nonfarm payroll employment was little changed (+56,000) in October, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 5.0 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Average hourly earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 8 cents over the month. For major indicators of labor market activity, seasonally adjusted refer to the Appendix 5 and 6, where numbers are in thousands. 3: Price data includes: Goods and Services GDP Deflator The GDP deflator has been averaging in the low 2% range for much of this decade. As the table below indicates, everything from housing prices, food, utilities, medical costs, gasoline, and retail goods have been rising at much higher rates. By understating inflation, government statisticians have been overstating GDP growth. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 forecast 2005 forecast 2006 GDP, deflator Index 100 102.4 104.09 106 109.7 108.23 112.96 CPI The consumer price index (CPI) during the month of May decreased by .1 percent (one-half of one percent). The rate of increase in the consumer price index over the past twelve months has been 2.8 percent. In May, the core consumer price index, which excludes energy and food prices, increased by .1 from April. The core index has increased by 2.2 percent over the last twelve months. (Appendix 7) PPI The

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Bacteria resistance to antibiotic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bacteria resistance to antibiotic - Essay Example For instance, antibiotics are used in the treatment of bacterial infections, like pneumococcal pneumonia or staphylococcal infections in the bloodstream. Diseases like influenza, HIV, and herpes are caused by viruses, and antiviral drugs are antibiotics or antimicrobial drugs, which are used to cure diseases caused by viruses. However, the same antibiotic cannot be employed against different bacteria because a single antibiotic cannot fight all types of bacteria. Accordingly, scientists have developed more than fifteen classes of antibiotics drugs. These drugs vary from each other in their chemical structure and action against each bacterium (What are antibiotics?). Bacteria have become antibiotic resistant, due to the evolution of various mechanisms over a period of time. These mechanisms modify the chemical structure of the antibiotic drug, render it inactive, and remove it from the cell. Some of these mechanisms modify the target site of the antibiotic drug and prevent the bacteria from being recognized by the drug. The most prevalent method is to make the antibiotic inactive by modifying the structure of its enzymes. Bacteria modify the existing cellular enzyme, by changing the chemical reaction with the antibiotic to divert the drug from attacking it. Several bacteria transform the target site of the antibiotic drug (Todar). Bacteria exhibit an astonishing capacity to develop resistance to antibiotics. This is a live demonstration of evolution. There are several reasons for bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics. The most common factors include excessive use of antibiotics, discontinuance of medication, before the completion of the course prescribed by the doctor, use of antibiotics as growth enhancers for animals, and an increase in international travel (Purdom). In hospice care, many patients undergoing treatment for a particular ailment develop some other disease, on account of bacterial